Thing-A-Day #24: St. Brigid’s Cross

I got inspired by looking at old files from my 2011 TAD challenge.  (Sadly, the we host that supported that blog is no longer operational, or you better believe that I would share it.)

The back story is that a friend at church challenged me to make this St. Brigid’s cross. I had never heard of it before.

So challenge accepted. Challenge Complete. His suggestion awarded him the fruit of my labor. Here’s the 2011 version:


Tonight, I had no Palm fronds. However, a jaunt in the ol’ supply heap profited some left-over newspaper sticks.

I had also forgotten how to make it. A quick google search on how to make it benefitted  me with THIS helpful tutorial.

and a few minutes later, tied off with twist ties, my newly completed St. Brigid’s Cross:

I’ve added it to my own wall for now. 

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